I started a new online class called 21 Secrets, its 21 classes that you can take anytime from now until the end of the year.
The first class I dove into was Dina Wakely's Intuitive Painted Layers. Here's my attempt:
It was fun and gave me some new ideas to try, especially if I get stuck and don't know where to start.
I'm using exsisting Art Journals that I've started since I have so many. Maybe one will get filled up! I don't know what that means, maybe that you get to start another one. Anyways, I'm hoping to learn some new techniques and just play. My friends from Journalfest are playing with me so that will be fun to see what they do too! Stay tuned for more from 21 Secrets!
Great start to the 21! Good idea with the journals, think I'll do that too. I started with Wonderful Watercolor - guess I should post soon! eeekkk Spring break is officially over, so how come my house is still full of kids? Lori W at Art Camp for Women