Thursday, March 22, 2012

First Video Journal Flip!

Good afternoon everybody! This is my first attempt at filming a journal flip. Since none of my art journals are filled yet, I picked a Remains of the Day journal to show you. This is an online class taught by Mary Ann Moss. I've had a lot of fun making these journals. If you like it I'll flip through some more.

I tried to get fancy and edit it with title and credits but then the format wasn't working. I'll figure this video thing out someday.


  1. wow - what a gorgeous journal! your mom is going to have so much fun filling it!

  2. Hooray! for the video. Your R.O.D. book is really great. Much tidier than I was able to make. Thanks for sharing it with us, it gave me some new ideas too. Lori W at Art Camp for Women
