Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Documented Life Weeks 10 &11

The challenge for week 10 was 'What makes you YOU?' So here is my page:

I used some collage, some of my own clip art, paint, stencils and lettering to make this page.

Week 11 was to draw, collage, or otherwise use a bird on your page. I chose to use a photgraph and paint over it. I left the log and some of the details of the bird unpainted. I then used some stamps in the background and added my words.

Monday, March 3, 2014


I've started another online art class. This one is for the next 10 months and is called Spectrum. Each month we have 2-3 teachers/lessons, it's not so much about art but self discovery. The first month's theme is OPEN. Here is the piece from my first class.
What does being OPEN mean to you? For me it brought up words like recieving, listening, availability, trust, and allowing. I was recently reminded to 'release my wounds', and in doing so you allow room for more light and love to enter. This in turn facilitates your ability to give more and be open. I also like to think when you release things, they are transmuted and in turn provide fuel for beautiful things to grow. It's not only benefiting you but becomes useful for something else.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


For Christmas I received an online painting class by Juliette Crane called Serendipity. It runs through Sept. 2014 so you'll likely be seeing lots of my work from this class. I'm really enjoying learning about another artist's process. It's not at all how I've approached starting a piece when I've sat down to create something. It's teaching me a lot, and I like that. Here is the first month's project.
I really like how she turned out. She's hanging in my new studio. 

Here are two works in progress. I think they still need a little something.

And yesterday I did one in my art journal. I call it, "I have something to say to you".

I'm kind of snowed in here this weekend so I"ll probably get around to doing something creative tomorrow too, I hope!

Monday, February 3, 2014

January Documented Life Project pages

I've just completed the first month of The Documented Life Project. I've really enjoyed it. The people involved are really supportive and enthusiastic. Here are some of the pages I've made.

Week 2 challenge: Selfie. I had this from one of my bigger journals, I photographed it and added the finishing touches.

Week 3: use an envelope. You might not be able to tell but the brown part is an envelope.

Week 4: Write a secret message and then paint over it and highlight one word. 

Week 5: Make a page with a doodle border. It's mostly just collage with some doodling.

Week 6: Find an artist that inspires you and make a page. I chose Jane LaFazio. This is my collaged version of her style.

My favorite thing about this project is that it's with me at work all day and I've enjoyed having all these creative pages joining me there. My planner is going to get fat pretty quick!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Documented Life Project

I'm participating in a year long challenge called The Documented Life Project. The link will take you to the face book page. A very supportive and excited group. Every week you have a challenge (prompt) to add to your journal. Most people are using a Moleskine Day Planner that they are adding pages to for their challenges. I had already made my Day Planner so I'm adding to that. The first challenge was to photograph, sketch, paint or somehow incorporate your front door. Here is my completed page:

I photographed my door and then painted the door red, cuz I like red doors and mine is white. So maybe I'll actually paint it red this year, who knows? I then used a permanent pen and drew around the door, etc. to make it look more sketched. You'll likely see many of my weekly challenges here mixed in with whatever else I've been doing.

Here is a painting I made for one of my sisters for Christmas.

I'm working on a travel journal that I'm going to gift a friend. Should be done in a couple days. Check back!